Saturday, October 31, 2009

What's the big deal about Halloween?

It's Halloween night. My family is not participating in the events because Michelle and both boys have Swine Flu. As I'm sitting here at 8:00 surfing the 'net, some Facebook friends have made a few comments that got me thinking that the way people think about Halloween is a pervasive attitude in other areas of life.

One commenter wrote that her children, including a 9-year-old boy, do not want to trick-or-treat for the 2nd year in a row. I wonder why that is. Are today's kids so privileged every day of the year to the point that a little candy is not worth the trouble? Or are they just so apathetic that they don't get excited about the event?

Another Facebook commenter mentioned that she has not had any trick-or-treaters yet but has a bunch of candy. Another responded that they had tons of kids in their neighborhood. This made me think that parents target the prime neighborhoods and completely skips their own neighborhoods. This led to two theories:
  1. Nobody stays in their own neighborhoods because nobody knows their neighbors.
  2. People pick the best trick-or-treat locations the same way they pick the best schools.
It used to be that people actually knew their neighbors, so trick-or-treating was a social event. It was a chance to get out and be cordial with the neighbors, to let everyone see the family. When you don't even know your neighbors, it's just a good to go to another neighborhood where you can get better candy.

This also aligns with the demise of neighborhood schools (at least in Polk County, Florida). So many school assignment zones result in children being transported past half-a-dozen schools to get to their school. The school assignments are so gerrymandered that students who live in the same neighborhood sometimes do not attend the same school. This applies at every school level. And then we wonder why kids have no school spirit! A lack of community identity in a school will result in a lack of a sense of ownership in a school every time.

Just like shopping for the neighborhood with the best candy experience, parents today shop around for the best educational experience. In concept I support the choice of parents to get the best education for their children. However, parents would be much less likely to shop around so freely if the benefits of community-based schools existed in our schools.

Maybe this is just mental rambling, but it seems to me that there must be some similar underlying behavior at work here.

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